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Benedictine Sisters


Our Initial Formation program lasts at least three years and takes place at the Clyde, Missouri monastery..


The first year in the monastery is called the postulancy. The goal of this year is to allow you to test your vocation in the monastic setting with the guidance of a director. The question is, do you really seek God? Also, it is an opportunity for the community to experience you as a potential member.

As a postulant you will fully participate in our communal prayer and develop your personal prayer life. You will be given a work assignment and take classes that aid your transition into monastic life. During the postulancy and novitiate you will wear your own clothing (colored skirts and blouses or dresses). The black and/or white clothing is reserved for professed sisters.  The postulancy can last from 12 – 18 months.


The novitiate is a two-year period of intense spiritual formation. Its purpose is to help you continue discerning the will of God for your life through prayer, instruction, spiritual guidance, and the lived experience of our Benedictine lifestyle.

You will participate fully in the prayer life of the community and may be called upon to be a reader, chanter, or Eucharistic minister. Your work assignment will be changed every six months to give you more experience with the different works of the community. You will also take classes to help in your monastic formation, including courses on Scripture, Liturgy, the Rule of St. Benedict, and lectio divina.

The second year of the novitiate is designated as the canonical year during which time you will observe stricter enclosure for the sake of discernment, and study the Benedictine vows (stability, conversatio and obedience) in preparation for First Monastic Profession.

Juniorate Years

Once you have made First Profession you will be addressed as Sister. In discernment with the Prioress
General you may also choose a new name. You will wear the black and/or white clothing of our congregation as well as the congregational emblem. The wearing of a veil is optional.

The juniorate is at least three years in length and can be extended up to six. During this time you will settle more deeply into the life and determine whether or not this is the path to which you wish to dedicate yourself until death.   You will take on more responsibilities in your work assignments.