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Bilingual discernment retreat opens hearts

Bilingual discernment retreat opens hearts - (26-03-2013)

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Benedictine Sister Lupita Barajas, OSB, vocation director of the BSPA's Tucson, Ariz., monastery, helped coordinate the Diocese of Tucson's Bilingual Discernment Retreat held on Saturday, March 16.

The day-long event offered prayer, quiet reflection and exploration to discern more about God's plan in the lives of the 16 women who attended.

Comments shared by attendees included, "What I liked most about this retreat was that it helped me open my eyes more and follow my dreams with the help of God,"

"The call to open our hearts to the calling of the Lord means a lot," and

"This experience has been a day to remember. It has helped me see another life that I never really learned about."

Sister Lupita thanks her fellow religious sisters who helped plan the event: Sister Gladys Echenique, OP; Sister Lucy Nigh, SSND; Sister Eileen Mahoney, CSA; Sister Judy Bourg, SSND; Sister Graciela Garcia, CFMM; Sister Christine Garcia, SSND; Sister Rosemary Sampon, MMS; and Sister Ellen Pachmayer, OSF.