The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, Mo., celebrated Renewal Day in March with two conferences led by Abbot Gregory Polan, OSB of Conception Abbey.
Abbot Gregory conducted the sessions in the Adoration Chapel so the Sisters in Our Lady of Rickenbach, the community's healthcare facility, could participate via closed-circuit television. The day's topic involved living the Paschal Mystery.
"He spoke to the good zeal and patience it takes to be a true apostle, even in the face of adversity," Sister Sophia Becker, OSB said.
His homily at Mass earlier in the day was about the poor, the outcast and downtrodden within society and within one's own community. His conferences echoed that sentiment, from the perspective of what St. Benedict asks of us, Sister Sophia added.
"Being filled with good zeal to be Christ for one another, bearing with one another's infirmities and shortcomings with patience as God's mercy is showered upon each and every one of us, bearing us with the greatest of patience," she said.
Sister Virginia Anne Argenziano, OSB, director of Our Lady of Rickenbach, said she and the OLR Sisters especially enjoyed the conference.
"Because of its location in the Adoration Chapel, we were able to take part remotely," she said. "We are so grateful for that chance and look forward to future opportunities to do so again." |