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Spirit and Life

2024 Sptember October Spirit & Life newsletterSpirit & Life, which was first published in 1904, began as Tabernacle & Purgatory, a bi-monthly devotional magazine. It also advertised the Academy for girls at Clyde, and successfully appealed for funds to aid monasteries and seminaries in Germany and other countries suffering in the aftermath of World War I. As the congregation expanded, the magazine also sought help from readers in building new monasteries. In the 1940's the publication began to reflect shifts in theology, focusing more on Catholic action, the sacraments, and catechesis. The name change to Spirit & Life in 1965 reflected a broader spiritual focus and the views of Vatican II. It continues to center on prayer and spirituality and shares news of the congregation.

Spirit & Life is published bi-monthly by the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. Each issue contains inspiring articles, news about our Sisters, and book reviews.