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Novice Maria enters canonical year

Novice Maria enters canonical year - (08-04-2014)

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Photo: Novice Maria Gara (center) is joined by Sister Lynn Marie D'Souza, OSB (left) and Prioress General Sister Pat Nyquist, OSB shortly after entrance into her canonical year of formation with the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.

During the Vesper's prayer service on Monday, April 7, Novice Maria Gara entered into her canonical year of formation with the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, Mo.

The second year of the novitiate is designated as the canonical year during which time Novice Maria will observe stricter enclosure for the sake of discernment of her religious calling. She will spend additional time studying the Benedictine vows of stability, conversatio and obedience in preparation for her First Monastic Profession.

Novice Maria is a native of East Sidney, N.Y., and has a degree in biochemistry. She entered the Benedictine Sisters in February 2012.