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Clyde Sisters welcome Episcopal Benedictine community

Clyde Sisters welcome Episcopal Benedictine community - (29-05-2014)

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Photo courtesy of the Companions of St. Luke-OSB

Members of the Companions of St. Luke-OSB, a Christian community affiliated with the Episcopal Church, visited the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration's monastery in Clyde, Missouri, for an evening of prayer and fellowship on May 28.

The group, which was attending a retreat at nearby Conception Abbey as part of their biannual convocation, joined the Sisters for Vespers, supper and Compline.

Founded in 1992, the Companions of St. Luke-OSB are men and women, married or single, who voluntarily commit to and live in accordance with the Rule of St. Benedict. They do not have a central community. Instead, they live and work independently but meet twice yearly as a group.

"It was wonderful to meet with them and to pray together,"  Sister Ruth Elaine Starman, OSB said. "The evening was very insightful and provided an opportunity to learn about each other's lives and charism, to compare differences about how we live out our monastic lives and to find similarities in our devotion to Christ and to the Rule of St. Benedict." 

For more information about the Companions of St. Luke-OSB, please visit www.companions-osb.org.