PHOTO: Sister Lenora Black, OSB (left), former director of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration’s Tucson-area oblates, shares her thoughts about the group, for which Sister Hope Rodenborn, OSB has taken the lead.
(TUCSON, Ariz.) - After 14 years as director of the Tucson-area oblates affiliated with the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, Sister Lenora Black, OSB has officially retired from her role, allowing Sister Hope Rodenborn, OSB to continue in her footsteps.
“Sister Lenora has done an excellent job in leading the groups to grow in the Lord, of putting on the mind and heart of Christ in their daily lives,” Sister Hope said.
An avid student of monastic history and spirituality, Sister Lenora was well-qualified to lead the local oblate group when asked to do so over a decade ago. One of her first tasks was instituting a more formal way for people to enter the program as candidates and to provide additional structure to meetings.
She coordinated new ways of communicating, using email listings and electronic newsletters, and incorporated Power Point presentations and videos at some meetings. In 2014 the group introduced a summer potluck dinner, which helps members keep in touch during the months when there are no regularly scheduled meetings.
Each of those innovations helped to spark interest in the program and fostered an atmosphere in which oblates could become leaders and mentors themselves.
“Oblates like Patty Williams and Mary Sheridan, along with many of the deans of our groups, have been of invaluable help,” Sister Lenora said.
Several oblates have served as representatives to the World Congress of Oblates, which is held in Rome every four years. They have returned with a wealth of information to share with fellow members.
Oblates vary in age and occupation. Most are involved with volunteer service groups or serve the Church in other ways.
Sister Lenora commented, “I think they see the oblate path as supporting that from within.”
As Sister Lenora steps away from her leadership role with the group, she hopes to continue to nurture the friendships she has made over many years.
“Sister Lenora has become a dear friend who truly loves and cares about the oblates,” Mary Sheridan said. “I am impressed by her intelligence, her sense of humor and her command of current affairs. She is truly the valiant woman of whom Proverbs 31:31 says, ‘Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.’”
Sister Hope has spent many years facilitating prayer groups and has also pursued learning opportunities relating to prayer and spirituality. She is excited about her new responsibility within the Congregation.
“I look forward to sharing my life of study with those who want to deepen their life of prayer in seeking God,” she said. “Together we enrich one another in our sharing, and together we grow into the Body of Christ.” |