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Sister Dawn Vercellino named assistant superior of Tucson monastery

Sister Dawn Vercellino named assistant superior of Tucson monastery - (16-08-2016)

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Sister Dawn Vercellino, OSB has been named assistant superior of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration’s monastery in Tucson, Arizona.

A native of Chicago, Sister Dawn entered the Benedictine Sisters in 1951 and made her first monastic profession in 1953.

Throughout her years of service to the Church and to the Congregation, she served as pastoral minister for the Benedictine Sisters’ healthcare facility in St. Louis in the early 1980s and was its administrator from 1996 to 2001. She also served as the St. Louis prioress from 1985 to 1991.

Sister Dawn also served as director of the printery at the Clyde, Missouri, monastery, has been prioress and subprioress of the Tucson community and later served as its bookkeeper. She was also organist and liturgist for the St. Louis and Tucson communities.

She will assist Sister Joan Ridley, OSB, who was named superior of the Tucson monastery in July.