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Benedictine leader teaches course at Academy for Spiritual Formation

Benedictine leader teaches course at Academy for Spiritual Formation - (14-11-2016)

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PHOTO: Prioress General Sister Dawn Annette Mills, OSB of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration recently led a class on spiritual discipline as part of the Academy for Spiritual Formation. (Credit: Warren Schoming)

Prioress General Sister Dawn Annette Mills, OSB of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration recently led a class on spiritual discipline as part of the Academy for Spiritual Formation.

Held in late October at the St. Benedict Center in Schuyler, Nebraska, the five-day course included 56 participants. Her co-facilitator was Rabbi Chava Bahla who taught a course on the Psalms.

The Academy for Spiritual Formation is ecumenical in nature and open to lay people and clergy members, men and women, who seek spiritual traditions of the church and a deeper relationship with God. It combines academics with experiences in spiritual disciplines and community life.

It offers two-year and five-day programs. During the two-year program, two courses are taught one week every three months. The courses are divided into two spheres of learning: historical/institutional (how spirituality is organized) and practical/theological (how spirituality is done).

Academy presenters derive from a variety of areas, including pastoral ministry, monastic life, authors, spiritual direction and speaking ministry.

For more information about the Academy for Spiritual Formation, please visit http://academy.upperroom.org/.