PHOTO: Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Maria Victoria Cutaia, OSB and Nancy Rose Gucwa, OBS (third row) joined college students from Northwest Missouri State University to experience SEEK 2017 in San Antonio.
In January, two Benedictine Sisters from Missouri hopped on a bus full of college students and went on a road trip.
Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Nancy Rose Gucwa, OSB and Maria Victoria Cutaia, OSB traveled from their monastery in Clyde, Missouri, and met up with students from Northwest Missouri State University and Missouri Western State University to attend SEEK 2017 in San Antonio.
The event, sponsored by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, attracted more than 12,000 Catholics for fellowship, worship and presentations by well-known, international Roman Catholic speakers.
The theme of the conference was “What Moves You,” and each day began with Mass where more than 300 priests concelebrated with the archbishops in attendance. Participants then broke off into separate sessions, which allowed them to hear about relatable topics from more than 35 prominent Catholic speakers.
“We attended a session presented by Father Dave Dwyer who talked about the process of discernment, which is prayerfully inviting God to help you make choices,” Sister Nancy Rose said. “He gave some practical tips, like talking to people you know about their vocation and asking religious how they get to use their gifts.”
Sister Maria Victoria was especially pleased with the speakers.
“They spoke about developing your relationship with God, being yourself and how important it is to develop authentic friendships that will bring you closer to God,” she said.
Sisters Nancy Rose and Maria Victoria took time from the event to catch up with acquaintances and to make new friends. For Sister Nancy Rose, this included connecting with students from her alma mater, West Point. Sister Maria Victoria enjoyed visiting with fellow religious vocation directors and with young people who were interested in and seeking to know more about religious life.
SEEK 2017 offered a variety of ways in which the Sisters could spend time with students, learning about their lives and sharing their own experiences about women in religious life.
“I was a joy to interact with the students who tagged along with us for a session,” Sister Maria Victoria said.
“We passed time on the 16-hour bus ride to San Antonio by saying the rosary, watching movies, talking with the students and getting very little sleep,” Sister Nancy Rose added with a smile. “On the ride home, students shared about their SEEK experiences and what they found moving. It was a very special experience, and we’re so glad we had the opportunity to attend.” |