PHOTO: Those working in the correspondence department for the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration include (standing, from left), Sister Nancy Rose Gucwa, OSB, Sister Maria Victoria Cutaia, OSB, Sister Wilmarie Ehrhardt, OSB, and (seated) Sister Virginia Anne Argenziano, OSB.
The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration's correspondence department welcomed a new face this year when Sister Wilmarie Ehrhardt, OSB joined the staff.
“Our work life and our prayer life truly join as one, as we remember God throughout the day and carry the prayer intentions in our hearts of those who have requested our prayers,” said Sister Nancy Rose Gucwa, OSB who oversees the Clyde correspondence department. “Our work is sacred work, and I am grateful to God for the privilege of enabling us to do the work that we do.”
Sister Wilmarie joins Sister Nancy Rose, Sister Virginia Anne Argenziano, OSB and Tucson Correspondence Department Director Sister Maria Victoria Cutaia, OSB processing items such as prayer requests, donations to the Clyde and Tucson monasteries, requests to remember loved ones during Mass and those who wish to enroll a person in the Congregation’s Association of Perpetual Adoration.
“There are so many things our Sisters handle on a daily basis, and each duty is integral to our life as contemplative Sisters,” Sister Nancy Rose said. “The Holy Rule of Benedict reminds us to ‘Let all guests who arrive be received as Christ,’ which we do whether they physically visit us or simply call, write or email us. We show due honor to all, as The Rule calls us to treat all with love and reverence.”
As for Sister Wilmarie, she credits previous job assignments in the finance and maintenance departments to making the transition to a new department easier.
“Some tasks are similar, such as the volume of paperwork involved,” Sister Wilmarie chuckled. “I always enjoy the relationships with my Sisters in community along with the quiet, silence and balance between busy and not-so-busy, which is similar to the balance between prayer and work.”
To request prayer, make a donation, discover options for planned giving or to learn what else the correspondence department can offer, please visit the Benedictine Sisters' site and click on “Prayer” or “Donate” or email Sister Nancy Rose at |