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Sister Hope honored during diocesan celebration

Sister Hope honored during diocesan celebration - (19-08-2019)

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Benedictine Sister of Perpetual Adoration Hope Rodenborn, OSB, was among several religious Sisters honored for their jubilees of monastic profession during a celebration hosted by the Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic Diocese on Aug. 18 at the Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist in Independence, Missouri.

Sister Hope (front row, second from left) is celebrating her 60th jubilee of monastic profession. The event included a special mass with Bishop James V. Johnston (back row, center). Throughout her years as a religious Sister, Sister Hope served the congregation’s former monasteries in Kansas City, Missouri; Dayton, Wyoming; St. Louis and Tucson, Arizona; and was vocation director, novice director, a subprioress, a superior and spiritual director. Today she lives at the Sisters’ monastery in Clyde, Missouri, where she welcomes guests as portress and makes products for Monastery Creations, the congregation’s line of handcrafted soaps, lotions and other items.