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BSPA Vocations launches "Callings" newsletter

BSPA Vocations launches "Callings" newsletter - (01-02-2020)

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Women who are discerning a religious calling have a new avenue to explore with the release of “Callings,” a vocation e-newsletter offered by the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.

The publication offers insights to monastic life, historical perspectives on the Eucharist and prayer, ways to connect to those in religious life or discerning a vocation, a discernment “Thought of the Month” and more. 

“It has become an intimate way to connect with those who are on their own vocation journey, to share with them my own journey and to provide insights and notes about religious life,” Vocation Director Maria Victoria Cutaia, OSB said.

For those who’d like to receive the monthly e-news, please contact vocation@benedictinesisters.org.