Sister Dawn Annette Mills, OSB, prioress general of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, Missouri, and General Councilor Sister Nancy Rose Gucwa, OSB joined almost 1,000 of their peers from 14 different countries for a virtual assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in August.
The event focused on the “Realm of Transformation: Creating Space for the Future” and included presentations that highlighted the pressing need to dismantle racism in society and within religious communities, in addition to reimagining how religious life may best be restructured to continue its mission.
LCWR President Sister Elise Garcia, OP called for attendees to make their own evolutionary contributions.
“Let us leave a legacy for the future of religious life - and for the common good of our whole blessed Earth community - permanent capabilities for creative communion and deep cosmic tendencies for transforming love,” she said.
Sister Dawn Annette remarked that her favorite presentation was the keynote address given by Sister Mercedes L. Casas Sanchez, FSPS called “Creating Space for the Future.”
“I particularly appreciated her look at the current status of religious life and the images she used to convey hope, such a tree so fruitful it’s bent over,” Sister Dawn Annette said. “I found that connection very striking.” |